Request For Prayer

If you or someone you know is in need of prayer, please fill out this form and submit it.  Your request will be added to our prayer list.  

Submitted Prayer Requests

Below are prayer requests that have been submitted.  You can let the person know you have prayed for their request by clicking on the "praying hands".


Pat Brooks has an infection in her legs, and the doctors are trying different methods and treatments to cure it.


Dylan Walker still recovering from his lung transplant. He has had cystitis fibrosis all his life.


Dylan is on list for lung transplant. He has suffered from cystic fibrosis his entire life he is in his early 30's. He is currently in icu at Duke


I ask for prayers for my sister and family. My older sister, Julie recently overdosed with meth, cocaine, and fentanyl in her system. When she was brought to the hospital by friends, she was incoherent. While here at the hospital they discovered a bad infection that has damaged a heart valve that needs to be replaced, but she is too weak at the moment for the surgery. Another concern is that she has suffered multiple strokes due to the damaged heart valve and drugs in her system. The doctor also has concern for a lack of oxygen to her brain. When she goes for an MRI, they will scan for brain activity and signs of stroke.


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